If you are like me, you don't "need" another reason to spend even more time on the web. Between blogging, making videos, and Facebook, spending too much time online is my guilty pleasure. I probably shouldn't do it, but I really enjoy it and don't plan to change anytime soon.
From time to time, I plan to highlight various sites that I think are useful or just plain enjoyable. I'm giving you fair warning, you can certainly spend a lot of time and have a lot of fun with this site. I just recently stumbled upon StumbleUpon.com It's a neat site that aims to bring you the very best of the web. First, you sign in and it's totally free. Then it will ask you to choose topics you are interested in. Now you are ready to start stumbling. Basically they learn what you like to see. It is a lot like Pandora but for interesting web content instead of music. If you have some free time, check it out. I think you will like it. There is some cool stuff out there to StumbleUpon. Let me know what you think.
I love the quality of information you receive on stumble upon & I've learn't a lot of useful information that I believe that I would not have normally have come across in traditional browsing. Sometimes it's good to open yourself to the unconventional & in this instance stumble upon is like a virtual lucky dip of some of the best the web has to offer.